Learners who are cerebrally, physically as well as intellectually challenged are admitted to the Functional Phase.
A customised CAPS curriculum, called D-CAPS (Differentiated Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement), is currently being used in the phase to meet learners’ specific needs.
From the age of 8 – 13 years they do academic subjects called Mathematics, Home Language and Life Skills. From 14 – 18 years (this is our Vocational Phase) we continue with the mentioned subjects, but then the electives we offer at Paarl School are added. The three electives are Agriculture, Ancillary Health Care as well as Arts and Crafts. Furthermore, the learners have Additional Language, Natural Sciences and Creative Arts as subjects. Ancillary Health Care is about empowering learners to take care of themselves safely, especially assisting learners in wheelchairs with food preparation, home cleaning using cleaning equipment and products. Emphasis is placed on personal hygiene. In Agriculture they are exposed to basic plant care and the maintenance of a beautiful garden. In Arts and Crafts, they are taught to use different mediums in creating marketable products in order to develop entrepreneurial skills.
An occupational therapist provides assistance for activities of daily living.
Computer training and TIPS (Therapeutic Intervention Program in Schools) are also provided to the learners.
Class Groups:
There are eleven (11) class groups with ages ranging between 7 and 18 years.
Learners in the Functional Phase require lots of individual assistance and therefore every educator has a class assistant. Many learners have facilitators, who are remunerated by the parents, to provide assistance to the more handicapped learners.
Most learners in the Functional Phase receive physiotherapy.
Should the learner meet the specific requirements at the age of 14 years, an application is made for admittance to a School of Skills.
Learners in the Vocational Phase are prepared for the World of Work. At the end of their schooling, learners are supported with applications for work in a protected / sheltered or open job market. Ideally, as many learners as possible should be placed in the open labour market. For this, we need the willingness of business enterprises to provide learners with appropriate opportunities. An occupational therapist is involved in finding suitable positions in the labour market, liaising with businesses and placing learners. It is very important that the parents of these learners are also involved in the whole process.