Christopher Reeve said: “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” He was superman after all, he should know!
All learners of Paarl School are heroes, everyone who does their best – academically, in sport and/or culture despite their different abilities or skills. All of them who find strength to persevere and to overcome various obstacles.
Every Paarl School learner has a story to tell. We are so fortunate to be part of their “stories”, to celebrate every success, no matter how small it is. Successes they achieve regardless of the overwhelming obstacles they encounter.
Thirty five new learners were admitted to Paarl School this year. Each one of them was taken by the hand by various role-players to start their journey here at Paarl School, to guide and develop them into the best they could be, despite the challenges they may encounter. With the resources at our disposal, we give equal chances to each of our learners.
A special word of thanks to every parent of Paarl School. You did not necessarily choose this special school path and therefore I stand in awe and humility before you and admire your resilience, courage and endurance. You are truly special parents!
I salute all the staff members at Paarl School. Their input on various levels in the lives of each of our 337 learners is precious and appreciated. The commitment with which they approach their daily tasks and other activities testifies to the love they have for our learners.
Personal achievements such as the participation of 3 of our staff members (Elanza Jordaan, Sister Jordaan and Reinet Barnard) in the 2024 Paralympic Games were one of the highlights of the year.
Hannelie Crous (Departmental Head: Preschool Phase) and Marietjie Flint (Senior Housekeeping Supervisor in the hostel) retired on 31 October. We wish them a blessed retirement. At the end of the 4th term, we shall be saying goodbye to 4 more staff members:
Yvette Punt (Psychologist)
Marlene Marais (Social worker)
Udine Machelm (Learning support educator in the IE team)
Adri van Wyk (Occupational therapist)
Each of these staff members leaves a big void, especially in terms of their experience, but also in terms of their passion, compassion and caring. Their departure is Paarl School’s loss. To the world they might be just an educator, a therapist or a hostel “tannie”, but to our learners they were heroes! We know that they will never forget us.
We look forward to the new staff members who have been appointed for 2025. They are:
Mariska McDonald (Grade 1 Afrikaans)
Jeanne-Mari Cilliers (Occupational therapist)
Esté Botha (Social worker)
Madeleine Swart (Psychologist)
We know they will soon become part of the Paarl School family.
Many awareness campaigns were launched during Disability Rights Awareness Month (3 November to 3 December). A look into this newsletter is an awareness campaign in itself: our learners who tackle each day with lion’s courage are a witness to the term “differently-abled”.
A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.
A Norman